Wax Painting 95 by 120

| 2015

Wax Painting 95 by 120, 2015
Wax, wood, polyester resin, glass fibers
95 x 120 x 5 cm

Cette oeuvre a été présentée ;
à la Galerie L'Oeil du Vingtième, exposition Living Surface, 2015, Paris, France.
au Musée des Arts Décoratifs, exposition L’Empreinte du Geste, 2016, Paris, France.

Wax Painting
Wax Painting 95 by 120 | 2015. Wax, wood, polyester resin, glass fibers, 95 x 120 x 5 cm | Photo credit: Xavier
Wax Painting
Wax Painting 95 by 120 | 2015. Detail
Wax Painting
Wax sheet
Wax Painting
Detail of the material
Wax Painting
Wax Painting 95 by 120 | 2015. Lit with led light | Photo credit: Moshe Oren